Why We Need to Upgrade to a Steel Roofing System

Many homeowners are thrown by the upfront cost of upgrading to a steel roofing system. Though the upfront costs are higher than the traditional shingle roof, in the long run, a shingle roof needs to be replaced time and time again due to damage. The reality is that the long-term costs of a traditional roof outweigh a steel roofing system significantly. When you have a major storm of snow, rain, or hail come tearing through Ontario, don’t be caught out having chosen the cheaper option.

Many Ontario customers have already upgraded to steel roofing to save money and to ensure that they are protected against the elements year-round, no matter how bad it gets.

The reasons why to upgrade to a steel roofing system are extensive. The primary reason many customers do so is because of the high impact ratings that the material carries, surpassing even the harshest of hailstorms. Therefore the investment that they are putting towards protecting their property is something that no doubt pays off in terms of protection. Another reason to upgrade is how easy it is to do so. The steel roofing material is lightweight and can usually be installed directly on top of an existing roof. This makes it an easy process in getting set up.

If you are used to having to replace an asphalt shingle roof regularly due to it disintegrating, steel roof panels have a far longer lifespan. They commonly last upwards of thirty years minimum, if not up to fifty years. Many steel roofs also come with lifetime warranties, ensuring that any issues that become present are handled in the most cost-effective manner.

Steel roofing requires lower maintenance, is an environmentally friendly material, and are fire resistant. Not to mention, the materials come in as many different colors as asphalt shingles do, providing a homeowner the opportunity to match their roof to the already established exterior of their home and community around them.

If you are in need of a new roof installation in Ontario, give some thought to upgrading to steel roofing. The UV rays in the summer and the freezing temperatures in the winter can be a lot to take for a traditional shingle roof. Steel roofing is not going to crack or warp, the panels are not going to give out like asphalt shingles will, and the evolution of the look of steel in the past few decades has meant such a diverse range of looks that can be used to add value to your home. This isn’t the ‘tin roof’ or ‘shack’ look that some customers have in their heads. Steel roofing has come far. Today, it has been established as providing so many more advantages than more traditional options.

Invest in an upgrade to a steel roof in Ontario to add a little more life to your property. Steel roofing is unmatched in longevity, durability, and cost-effectiveness. Steel roof panels are also eco-friendly and easy to install. These are all fair points to take into consideration when debating the merits of upgrading your roof.

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